Sunday, July 10, 2011

Super Size Me

The film "Super Size Me" by Morgan Spurlock has been one of the most interesting and brilliant developed film in the 21st century. The film has led to an awarding of Morgan in the 2004 Sundance film festival. Basically, the film is touching about the alarming health hazard of obesity in the United States. Morgan has gained his fame in this film due to his intelligent and personal investigation of the real health issue in the United States. The development of the film is very interesting, whereby Spurlock is able to demonstrate the effect of a 30 day diet on McDonald's cuisine in his body. Generally, the film is tackling the concepts of corporate greed, nutrition and health. This article will provide a general overview of the film, "Super Size Me" (Mckenzie, 2010).

From the review by Dermansky, the film is basically focusing on real life experiences in the present world. The consequences of uncontrolled consumption of fast food in the recent world are being demonstrated in the film. One interesting moment in the film is when Spurlock decides to take a 30 day diet of McDonald Cuisine. The effects were terrible in that his body experienced tremendous dark and ugly changes. The concept of identifying the effects of unhealthy eating behavior has been termed as excellent in addressing human behavior. The movie is an excellent critic of American way of life, which has been demonstrated as undesirable. The aspect of eating McDonald's food under supervision of medical doctors has been identified as an excellent scene in the movie (Mckenzie, 2010).

The author of this film is really a perfect narrator and has a conscious understanding on real life issue affecting human beings. The concept of greed in the individual and corporate status is extensively demonstrated in the film. As illustrated by different reviewers of the film, it is really a perfect film in criticizing the unhealthy behaviors of people in the recent world. The film demonstrates the extent to which the society has lost morals and focus in leading a health life. This is both in the social spectrum and the individual aspect. As depicted in the film, greed and uncontrolled consumption of fast foods in the United States has led to many healthy complications. This phenomenon could have otherwise continued; thus leading to more problems to people (Dermansky, 2010).

The film is non-fiction in that it's able to highlight to highlight real issues affecting Americans in recent days. According to Mckenzie (2010), the style and plot of the film is precisely excellent. In this case, all the different scenes in the movie are excellently coordinated. This has ensured a smooth follow up by the audience. The combination of the different scenes regarding dietary practices and corporate greed generates great interest in the movie. As depicted by the different reviewers of the movie, the general plot and style of the film is admirable. This has helped in creating interest among the audience; thus helping in successful understanding of the themes (Mckenzie, 2010).

Most of the reviewers and critics of the film have positive regard to the composition and development of the themes. Nevertheless, the film has been criticized for not being scientific as it was developed to be. Many critics have referred the results and ideas being postulated by the film to be eye-opening and vomit inducing. Despite this negative criticism to the film, the themes being put forward are very clear. The film is very educative in enlightening the audience on the concept of healthy diet. The author of the film has also been intelligent in focusing the consequences of the unacceptable dietary practices (Dermansky, 2010).

The critics of the film have ranked it above average in that it has been able to excellently pass the themes. There has been an overwhelming support on the general development of the film. All the reviewers interested in the film have expressed a strong gratitude on the expertise of Spurlock in putting forward his concern on the deteriorating health of the society. The setting of the film has also demonstrated the author's expertise in demonstrating the different issues affecting American citizens in recent days. The language used by Spurlock in addressing the issues of the society. The criticism of the author on the deteriorating morals in the society has been in a low tone thus able to accommodate the audience. As illustrated by Dermansky (2010), the physical and psychological wellbeing of the people is threatened by the food industry's corporate influence (Dermansky, 2010).


After the extensive analysis and review of the film, it has been realized that film has been excellently developed. The themes of greed and lack of morals in the society has been clearly demonstrated in the film. Other interesting aspects of the film are on the issues of the plot, style and settings of the film. In this case, the film has been keenly developed thus being able to capture the attention of the audience. Most significantly, the film can be categorized as one of the most educative films due to its brilliant criticism on the unhealthy behaviors in the society.

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