Sunday, July 10, 2011

Comparison of the two Noir films: The Last Seduction and Gilda

The films "The Last Seduction" directed by Charles Vidor and "Gilda" directed by John Dahl are one of the most famous noir films in the American literature. The movies femme fatales and the main men characters seem to compare in various aspects. The social speaking and physical interaction of the main characters in the films displays some commonness in their setting to a great extent. As it has been revealed, the two film's main characters depict diverse contexts in the way violence, physical interactions and love are brought out in the two films. This paper presents a comparison between the films ‘Gilda' by Vidor and ‘The Last Seduction' by Dahl on the basis of their femme fatales and main male characters in terms of their social speaking and physical interactions.

As reported by Silver and Ursini (62), the femme fatale of the film "The Last Seduction" is Bridget Gregory who emerges out as a very crafty and cunning woman. As revealed in the film, Bridget manipulates her husband cunningly to an extent of conning him $ 700,000 meant for drug dealing business. It clearly comes out that, Bridget does not love her husband since she treats her mercilessly. On the other hand, Gilda, alias Rita, who is the femme fatale in the film Gilda seems easy going and non-trustworthy, despite her politeness (Silver and Ursini 65). As it turns out, Gilda goes out with any man who comes her way, making her emerge as lacking strong personal principles. Her behavior of getting along with strangers on love basis matches with that of Bridget's. Particularly, Bridget meets a new stranger, Mike, who she falls in love with after fleeing from her husband with $ 700,000. Similarly, Gilda dances erotically with strangers in presence of her husband, Mundson, reflecting her high level of immorality.

On the other hand, Farrell who is the main man character in the film "Gilda' emerges as a convincing and hardworking trustworthy young man. Having been practicing evil gabling activity, Farrell tries to reach large organizations to propel his illegal activity higher. Though he is previously warned by Mundson, who turns out to be the owner of the organization he wants to con, Farrell quickly convinces him to have him as one of his attendants in the casino. On the other hand, Mike, who is the main man actor in the film "The last seduction", is brought out as easily manipulated man without strong ground (Silver and Ursini 63). This reflected by the way he is easily manipulated by the strange woman she meets in a small town, Bridget. Since Mike was fleeing away from her unfaithful wife, he easily gets along with Bridget and the two get engaged in love affairs.

One of the most significant similarities between Mike and Farrell is that, they are both victims of cheating lovers. It should be noted that, Ferrell was initially a lover to Gilda who she abandoned due to her unfaithfulness. Particularly, Ferrell's love-hatred towards Gilda is deeply rooted on the way he observed Gilda move along with variety of men without caring the least. Similarly, Mike gets to divorce his wife since she has been involved in several cheatings in their relationship. As a result, Mike moves out of the town to avoid her cheating woman where he meets Bridget and they both hook up. As noted by Silver and Ursini (69), the social setting of the cases of unfaithfulness in relationships in the two films reveals some degree of similar context of the events unfolding in the two films.

Notably, the femme fatale in the tow films seems to undergo similar situations in their physical interactions. For instance, Bridget unexpectedly meets her husband after a she ran away with his money, a situation which made her to kill him subsequently. On the other hand, Gilda meets her ex-lover Ferrell who turns out to be her husband's attendant. This unfolding of social events between the pairs of ex-lovers enhances similarities between the two films, on the basis of the social interactions of the films' contexts. (Silver and Ursini 71) considers the situations between the two films as depicting some degree of commonness and closeness since the scenes are quite similar in terms of the contexts involved.

However, the social relationship between Gilda and her lovers seems peaceful and no-violent. Though she is an easy going girl, Gilda does not seem to react violently to her lovers once they leave each other. By being highly social and flexible, Gilda emerges as being quite friendly to her enemies, as reflected by her cool and cordial relationship with Ferrell despite of their earlier alienation when they were lovers. On the other hand, Bridget does not take chances in her actions against the people she seems not to like. In fact, (Silver and Ursini 73) describes Bridget as a wicked woman who was inhuman and scheming in her deals. This is reflected in the way she easily tricked Clay, and later killing her after knowing where she was and the deals she was doing. Bridget's wickedness and scheming nature are clearly brought out when she tricked Mike tom sleep with her and later convicting him for raping her.

Quite importantly, the unfolding the events in both the films seem different, though scenario contexts have some degree of similarity. Considering the fact that Ferrell's ex-girlfriend was now his boss's wife, he remains loyal and devoted to serve his boss, even taking care looking after her for his boss. Though some violence is experienced in this film, it is not on the basis of love affairs but on business adventures. Perhaps, the film ‘The last seduction' seems violent and accompanied by a series of inhuman actions. As it is revealed, Bridget kills her husband immediately after he knows where she was and the activities she was undertaking. After killing her husband, Bridget goes on to trick Mike and later convicting her of raping her. The social outlay of this film makes it different from the one in the ‘Gilda' on the basis of inhuman activities committed in the name of love (Silver and Ursini 89).

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