Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bridesmaids: 2011's Biggest Flop

Bridesmaids has been heralded as the female version of The Hangover. However, judging by the film trailers it looks to be nothing more than a knockoff in search of horribly cheap laughs with an eerily familiar plot.  Hopefully the film itself will consist of material much more original than that shown to viewers so far, otherwise viewers will find themselves with a long couple of hours of suck. One of the biggest surprises about this potential flop, however, is not that it mirrors The Hangover so closely, but the motivations of the director who agreed to take it on.


It has to be asked why Paul Feig, who also directed hilarious blockbuster hits Superbad and The 40-Year-Old Virgin decided this film was a good idea when he read the script. Surly he must have realised that it was nothing more than an oestrogen-enhanced and poorly-timed version of The Hangover, which, by the way, is set to follow up with The Hangover Part II within two weeks of the Bridesmaids debut.  Could Feig not have held out for a better comedy that was destined to come his way?  It would not be a surprise to see his reputation crumble when film critics and audiences alike agree that Bridesmaids is just not worth the time or money.


No Bridesmaids character looks more poorly written or downright awful than Megan, played by Gilmore Girls actress Melissa McCarthy, who is touted as the wildcard on the movie's official website.  Megan seems to have more farts and belches than speaking lines, and her intense libido is to be put on full in-your-face display throughout the entire flick.  She seems to have been written by a group of caffeine-ridden 13-year-old boys rather than a professional.  Of course she is needed to juxtapose the ultra-pretentious and ultra-boring character of Helen, played by Rose Byrne.  Helen is the stereotypical snob that seems to be dropped in every female-driven cast and fails to break from the traditional mould in the slightest. Never mind that this stereotype has been criticised again and again as an insulting, pandering and inaccurate conception of prudish, uptight womanhood.


Where else should a film like this take place but Vegas? And why not? It worked for The Hangover. As you can see, there is a theme emerging here. After some behind-the-scenes planning the girls decide that Sin City is the only place they can get their bachelorette party on. After some awkward scenes in the air they ground at their destination and the fun begins. Maybe.


This is almost a sure flop as film news outlets will be in a right fit about The Hangover Part II.  It may be worth your time to check out, but probably not. You can always catch it on satellite down the line where at least you could occupy your time with something else around the house while it played in the background.

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