Monday, July 11, 2011

The Positive Impact of Video on Demand to Independent Films

It is a sad fact that filmmaking by independent producers entails a significant amount of risk.  Without any backing from the distribution machinery and clout of a major studio, the filmmakers are often at the mercy of third party distributors who may or may not effectively deliver.  It would be fortunate if the said parties actually do their best in ensuring that the films gets to be shown in major venues where more people can have the chance of seeing it.  Otherwise, the producers would have to content themselves with the very little proceeds that they may get from the exhibition.

The internet, however, has positively impacted independent films and their makers.  Through websites that facilitate video on demand, an independent film that may not have been well promoted in the mainstream could still get a larger viewership because it is made available on the internet. The process is actually simple.  Once the film is done, the producers would just have to make their film listed in video on demand sites.  They would submit copies of their films to the owners of the said sites who would then promptly make these accessible to those interested in viewing it after they have paid the right price.

However, maximizing video on demand features does not mean that independent filmmakers no longer have to worry about promoting their films.  They should still to do, at least, in the internet where their work has been made available.  They may have to create trailers and post these in YouTube and other video and social network sites.  The aim is to generate keen interest on the film and to whet appetites or curiosity, enough to encourage people to go to video on demand sites and order it.  Writing reviews for the film and publishing it online are two other techniques that could support the effort of making the film ready for viewing online.

It may sound exaggerated but people are actually becoming so drawn to the internet that they have the tendency to stay at home and watch movies on their computers instead of going to the theatres.  This is obviously a big disadvantage for mainstream cinema whose main source of income is based on the box office. Independent filmmakers, on the other hand, find the internet as the great equalizer. In video on demand, they share the same space and attention as the big-budgeted commercialized offerings of the major studios.

Filmmaking may at first be considered as a more sophisticate artistic endeavor.  However, once it is done, it is also a product that must be sold in order to recover the expenses made.  This is the reason why producers should seriously ponder on the appropriate steps in marketing the film to the viewing public.  There is no doubt that online video on demand is considered as one of the least expensive solutions.  Nevertheless, even if this is utilized to the fore, efforts at having it screened in widescreen should still be made in order to increase the number of income sources.

About the Author

Learn more about independent filmmaking by checking on Filmmaking Mastery.

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